Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Weekly Menus!

Oh heyyyy! I just realized no one posted weekly menus! I hardly shopped this weekend because I'm leaving on Friday and Will's friends are coming into town for the weekend so they'll be out and about. Or they're going to eat every once of food I have in the kitchen... Either way, I didn't plan too much by way of cooking. But here's what I've got going on:

- Taco Salad (STILL haven't made this. Whoops!)
- Chicken with Sage and Mushrooms from Simply Recipes. Recipe here

Lots of leftovers/easy meals so as not to leave too much in the fridge when I'm out. What have yall got going on??


  1. Oh heyyyy girls. I've been a busy bee in the kitchen. Let's see here:

    Sunday was Chicken Tetrazzini found here via Cooking Light: http://find.myrecipes.com/recipes/recipefinder.dyn?action=displayRecipe&recipe_id=10000000522494.

    It took a bit longer than was expected (cooking chicken and noodles separately) and made a TON, but it was tasty. The Sherry (which I purchased) is key for this. Really adds flavor to the entire dish. Great for a winter's eve. Also , it might have seemed like it took forever because in conjunction with the Tetrazzini I was also in the kitchen making the Tequila Bread Pudding from Churrascos-- Pio X! Cordua girls, are you SO proud?!?

    The recipe was restaurant quantity, so after some tricky math, a trip to the store (mainly the dairy section for loads and loads of cream and milk and half and half), and a couple calls to Mich, it turned out great!! Talk about decadent, it is a pile of cream, sugar, and bread...can't really go wrong! It was a huge hit for the competition. I came in 2nd (I think it was a corrupt judging panel), BUT I came in FIRST in the "people's choice"--which is all that really matters bc it means that everyone tasting it at the office, loved it! I'm not sure I would make it again unless I was having a dinner party and had some time on my hands. It wasn't hard, just the steps took awhile.

    Let's see, here is my menu for the week:

    Sunday: Chicken Tetrazzini
    Monday: Take Out-- Gyros!
    Tuesday: White Bean Chili found here: http://simplyrecipes.com/recipes/white_chili/
    Wednesday: Hospital night-- leftovers
    Thursday: Continental Airline's finest...on my way to Houston!! YAY.
    Friday: Dinner out
    Saturday: Cordua Dining

    I can't wait for Cordua dining...


  2. Sunday: "Mexican" Chicken Casserole
    Monday: Italian Chicken with rice and veggies
    Tuesday: Dinner out (Mitch's cousin's birthday)
    Wednesday: Lean Cuisine most likely because I get out of class late these nights
    Thursday: Tacos
    Friday: HOMMMMEEE!!!

    I put Mexican in quotations because it did not turn out Mexican at all. More like a chicken pot pie casserole. Mitch and I tried out this new recipe (chicken, peppers, cream of chicken and mushroom, tortillas, and onions) and it was really easy so we are going to make more casseroles. Basically just putting whatever you want in a casserole dish with some sort of liquid and layers makes it a casserole.

    Our Italian chicken is our go to. It's really easy! Marinate chicken in Italian salad dressing for as long as possible (the best one we made was marinated overnight and all-day) and then grill the chicken. We usually eat it with rice and frozen veggies that we steam. Very easy and always good.

  3. Yum, everyones menus look amazing! And I'm jealous they all end in Houston :( I will be there in spirit.

    Good job Louise! Getting people's choice is the highest honor! And it sounds like you deserve it. Wahooo!

    And I'll post my menu once I get home from work today.

  4. I wish I could have tried the Pio X! It's my favorite.

    Eli- you will be there in spirit and then you'll be here for REALS in 10 days!!
