Monday, February 7, 2011

Menu For Week of Feb 7th

Huge confession: I had cake for dinner last night. I popped open a box of Betty Crocker yellow cake mix, baked as directed, smeared chocolate icing on top, and voila- dinner! It.was.bomb. Although today, it's been giving me the evil all day. Trying to get me to eat it. But I've resisted. So far. Check back with me in an hour....

Anyway, I'm super excited about this week's menu. Just enough of tried and true recipes and brand spanking new ones. Down side is that it will probably be dinner for one since Will's work schedule will be crazy this week. What that means to me is that I'm at high risk of having cereal for dinner. Or cake. 

Tuesday: White Fish Special (whoop!)
Wednesday: Chicken Tarragon ( really excited about this! )
Thursday: Quiche
Friday: Salmon
Saturday: Taco Salad (didn't get to this Sunday night. See opening paragraph :) 

What are your menus??


  1. 1) im about to start my period and really want
    a. cake
    b. a warm blanket
    c. a hug
    feeling very emotional for absolutely no reason.

    2) i just made this dish and it was kind of a disaster! although it tasted good (it really was yummy), i wouldn't recommend this to anyone. the mozzarella basically just turned into GLUE and was impossible to spoon and cleaning the pot i made it in is even MORE of a nightmare. ugh!! i've already done one round of trying to clean the pot and now it's soaking again. FAIL!! next time i have sausage and want to make pasta, ill just put the cheese on top and not mix it in like they tell you to here. also- WAY too much cheese. shoulda cut it in half. ryan loved it, obviously.

    3) is it wrong that i would just kill to only worry about MY dinner for a week? sometimes i want just cereal but ryan's always set on some elaborate meal. gahhhh. sometimes ijust want half a grilled cheese a campbell's tomato soup! but he has to eat like it's thanksgiving-- whatta fatty (minus the fat- so jeal of his metabolism)

  2. by *this dish* above, im referring to the pasta/sausage/artichoke/sundried tomato dish from the last post :)

  3. Haha I was going to ask what dish you were referring to! What a bummer. Hate when a recipe is a bust.

    I just made the Talerine Turkey Casserole. Not only did I eat my fill while I was cooking, but I have a feeling it will be sort of 'eh.' Perhaps because I subbed out turkey for beef. Sort of bland. Anyway- I'll report back.

  4. What kind of quiche are you making Michi?

  5. Oh I was planning on winging it- probably spinach, onion and canadian bacon. Now that I can make the crust, I want to keep practicing!
