Monday, February 29, 2016

Michelle's Weekly Menu - Week of 2/28/16

Hi everyone!

I neglected to post last week but did some minimal cooking - nothing to write about. I made the pork shoulder in the slow cooker. I <3 my slow cooker. The pork shoulder was super simple:

Salt and Pepper
Garlic Powder
Liquid Smoke
Pineapple juice

Then in the slow cooker on low for 11 hours (because that's how long I was away). I then shredded it and doctored it up in different ways - we made tacos one night, threw it in a salad another night. I'm going to make it into a ragu for Monday's dinner.

We had the girls' school gala Saturday night and Will and I danced too much. Before that I got together with a friend for lunch, who then came over while I got ready (1 bottle of wine and 1 bottle of prosecco later...) so needless to say Sunday was a recovery day.

Here's what we have going on this week -

Sunday: Chicken soup (recipe below since I kind of threw things together that I ended up loving)
Monday: Pork Ragu + Pasta for the girls, roasted broccoli for me and Will. I'll probably do this recipe, but use pork instead of ground beef or turkey.
Tuesday: I have an appointment after work, so Will will probably feed the girls.
Wednesday: Slow Cooker Asian Sweet Chili Chicken I'm traveling for work so will have this cooking for them during the day.
Thursdays: Leftovers because....
Friday-Monday: In Houston for Eva's baptism!!

So excited to celebrate Eva. The girls, especially Annelise, will randomly proclaim their love for baby Eva. Heart-melting.

Here's the Chicken Soup that I made last night:

1/2 stick of butter (I swear this is the worst part)
1/2 cup of flour
You're going to make a roux so if you want to use something else beside butter (bacon grease), proceed.

Make the roux, then slowly add in coconut milk, whisking the entire way to make sure the roux is smooth - I probably add a total of 1 cup of coconut milk.

Add 1/4 cup of each of onions, carrots, celery, potatoes (definitely add more if you want!). Continue whisking.

Add 4 cups of chicken stock and bring the mixture to a boil.

Add shredded chicken (I bought a rotisserie chicken and shredded it). Keep the soup at a simmer at this point. Taste for seasoning - add salt, pepper (I use white pepper in soups usually), thyme, whatever floats yer boat.

Add orzo and cook until soft.

I also added in corn, but might do peas next time. I think the big difference is the roux and coconut milk. Made it creamy but light.

What do yall have going on this week?? xo

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Lou's Weekly Menu - Week of 2/14/16


Happy (belated) Valentine's Day to you all! We didn't do much around here-- a bike ride to River Oaks Donuts and then a donut party in the park with our friends. We were going to go out to dinner, but B didn't nap so I pulled an audible (nothing worse than dining out with an overtired toddler...or just a toddler in general ;) So I threw some brats on the grill with an arugula side salad (fresh lemon juice and a little parm). I used to hate arugula but am really loving it lately. B even ate it too!
Saturday we ventured to the Katy Mills Mall. Whoa. That was exciting. I scored a few awesome things for the kids at Neimans outlet (Splendid and EGG brands), but I don't think we will need to go back anytime soon. And last night we went out with friends to Provisions (of Pass & Provisions). I had heard good things and was excited to try, but it kind of fell flat for us. The dishes were weird and we left full, but not in a satisfied way. Hate "wasting" calories like that.

Also, did everyone see this article in the NYTIMES this past weekend-- 36 hours in Houston. You guys grew up in such a hip place!

Ok, up this week:

Monday: OUT
Tuesday: Stuffed Peppers (JP hates bell peppers so I just made these for myself. I already ate about half the filling and it was delicious. Think this might become a new staple. Only 4 WW pts!)
Wedensday: Coconut Chicken Salad
Thursday: Out for a wine tasting party at JP's colleagues
Friday: One pan skillet turkey meatballs (I've made these before. They are easy and delicious.)
Saturday: Birthday celebrations- out with friends to a surprise location

Michi, good luck with all your travel! Have fun with Beth and super adorable Reed!


Beth's Weekly Menu - Feb 14, 2016

Mich, your V-day wknd was so cute! Ryan kinda dropped the ball on Sunday, but today is our 3 yr wedding anniv (8 yrs together total) and he appears to be making up for it so far. We will see :) SOOOOOO (sosososososososo) excited to hang on Thurs.

Going to LA in 2 weeks for my bday with some chicas, and trying hard to dial back on carbs and sugar til then. I think if I stick to it, I can drop 5 lbs before my trip.

Here's what's on tap the rest of the week:

Mon- Made fajitas for me, Ry, and my friend Kerri (we watch The Bachelor together every Monday). No tortillas, no beans- just meat, onions, peppers. I love fajitas so it was still really good.
Tue- Oops forgot it was our anniv when I was grocery shopping so we're having chipotle lime salmon and roasted broccoli as planned. We went out to dins somewhere romantic on Sat night, so I'm not too bummed.
Wed- Chili with avocado-tomato salad (I'm sad I won't be making cornbread. sigh.)
Thur- Mich in town! Might have to ditch Ry and go out to dins somewhere delicious. #girltime
Fri- Steak with mushrooms and cauliflower puree. I love this recipe.
Sat- Hitting up a new brewery Sat afternoon but will be home to put Reed down at 7. Seared scallops and asparagus.

Monday, February 15, 2016

Michelle's Weekly Menu - February 14, 2016

Hello! Hope everyone had a great Valentine's Day/President's Day weekend. Will planned out a really great weekend - probably to make up for the fact that we couldn't go out to dinner with friends on Friday because he and the girls were sick. I came back from Seattle, Will was sick, the girls were sick, and dinner was already canceled. Sad. But thankfully, everyone is on the mend.

Saturday, we went to the art museum and made about 23 Valentine's day cards at the kid's center. Briefly saw the Van Gogh exhibit and then hauled it to Chinatown for dim sum because we were hangry by that point. The girls loved dim sum, were mildly impressed by the Van Gogh exhibit, but the Valentine's day cards were a huge hit.

Sunday after mass Will treated all of us to get our nails done (he got a pedicure and complained afterwards that they stole his calluses). Then we went to Trencherman for a really delicious Vday lunch (Lou remember that place??).

Today, we left the girls with the nanny, Will and I went to breakfast at a diner nearby, went to look at tile for the basement (house construction is still chugging along) and ran a few more errands before lunch at Eataly and then THE FORCE AWAKENS! It was so good. The girls have been watching Star Wars Episode III all weekend. I love it.

This week we have the below lined up! BTW - I like putting my name in the title like Beth did last week. If I'm looking for a recipe, I generally know who posted it, so that's a good way to search.

Monday: On Lou's recommendation, Acini di Pepe soup. Currently on the stove. Can't wait to try it!

Tuesday; Chicken and Mushrooms. Have made this a few times and it's really tasty and easy.

Wednesday: Slow Cooker pork shoulder so the team here as leftovers because....

Thursday-Friday: I'm traveling for work again. Upside is I get to spend the night with the Vanderkolks on Thursday night!!

Travel has really been kicking my butt lately, but only a few more trips left on the horizon. By the second week in March I'll be done for a while.

What do yall have planned for the week??


Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Hi everybody! 

After my hiatus during the end of my pregnancy/beginning of motherhood, I am really loving to cook again. I have these few recipes to share that I've tried recently and really liked. So I'll be working them into my rotation. 

Back in the Weekly Meal-Plan Saddle

Love having you guys back! Have missed you and your kitchen inspiration. I've been really making it a priority to cook since we've moved to Houston. It's so nice to have homemade meals. After putting on a million pounds during pregnancy, i've been attempting to cut back on carbs and fat. Unfortunately, according my measurements by the trainer at the gym this morning, I haven't been doing a very good job. SO, it's officially game on. Back on WW and hopefully when I stop breastfeeding (6 more weeks!) I'll be able to loose a good chunk-- my body seems to hold on to it when I'm producing milk which is probably good for baby but not good for the numbers on the scale.

Anyhoooo, I've been doing a lot of Skinnytaste recipes-- I bought the cookbook and love her website. I really love them bc they give you the WW pts and don't have anything "diet" about them. They are delicious, just without the extra calories.

Monday:Leftover Superbowl Chili -- not skinny but delicious
Tuesday: John traveling - individual skinny enchilada (I've totally caught the texmex bug from living down here). One corn toritlla filled with chicken (been making a big cockpot of shredded chicken every week), covered in green salsa, sprinkle a little low-fat cheese, and bake at 350 for 30 mins.
Wednesday: Acini di Pepe Soup- this is super delicious. I usually make with ground turkey to cut down on fat, but ground beef is way more decadent.
Thursday: Simple grilled pork chop and roasted butternut squash
Friday: BBQ Pulled Pork Sammie (sans bun for me)
Saturday: St Martins Gala. I haven't been to a black tie function in forever. Shopping for a dress feels like PROM. Everyone has warned me (including Lucia!) that Houston women get decked out for these things. Still working on a long dress, but it's hard to invest in such a piece when I'm still not at my finest. Have a few on hold at Tootsies. Wish me luck with that one....
Sunday: Valentine's Day! Probably out.

Big hugs to all,

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Beth's Weekly Menu - February 7, 2016

I have also been feelin' very mehh about cooking. It was so nice when Reed was super little bc he'd sleep at restaurants. Now he needs to go to bed in his room at 645-7pm or it's kind of a disaster. So that means we're kinda trapped at home for dinner on the reg. I miss restaurants!

Anyway, here's what's on tap for this week:

Sun- I was so exhausted from visiting Ryan's fam in Dallas. Ryan went to a SB party and I put Reed down, sat in the shower with the lights dimmed for like 45 mins, had a bowl of cereal, and passed out. Go team!
Mon- This is great and I love it- can easily add chicken or just double the broccoli (that's what I do) 20 Min Lemon Pesto Penne
Tue- Trying Mich's Sausage and White Bean Cassoulet with salad
Weds- Breakfast for dinner (always love- runny eggs, bacon, fruit, mixed greens)
Thur- Chipotle salmon, roasted sweet potatoes and broccoli
Fri- Maybe mom can babysit?? If not, poblano mushroom tacos

I kinda miss Blue Apron but haaaaaate having to deal with the packaging it all comes in.

Going through a phase where I want wine like every single night and trying to resist!

Monday, February 8, 2016

Weekly Menu - February 7, 2016

Hi everyone!

I have been feeling rut-like lately in the kitchen. Life is just really crazy - lots of travel, a new dog, schedule juggling. Sharing menus might help me feel inspired again! I'm in Seattle Wednesday and Thursday night of this week, come back on Friday afternoon. The below menu is something that Will can even handle!

Sunday: Will made chili - the old standby at our house is PW's Frito Pie Chili recipe This is the foundation of mine as well but I've  modified over the years.

Monday: Order in. Since I was in Houston over the weekend, I'm not having Peapod delivered until tonight. The cupboards are bare.

Tuesday: Italian Sausage + Turkey Bolognese Sauce. Will and I eat it over veggies, girls over pasta.

Wednesday: Sausage and White Bean Cassoulet

Thursday: Leftovers

Friday: Will and I are going out with friends to Table Donkey and Stick. Girls will eat Mac and Cheese probably :)

Saturday: Brisket! I make this in the slow cooker with a bunch of quartered onions, salt, pepper, garlic powder, and liquid smoke. Makes so much that we have leftovers for days.

Please share your menus!! I'm kind of over ground beef/turkey. I've made Bolognese and/or Chili every week all winter long and could use a break from those two dishes!

What are yall up to?? xo