Monday, September 22, 2014

Week 38 Menus

Hi everyone, hope yall had a good weekend! We had a lot going on, but at the same time, felt like nothing really happened :) Friday I randomly saw Julie on the train so we grabbed a drink on the way home. That was fun and so nice to see her and catch up. Saturday, Ballet and Bubbles, then Will took me shopping for pants for Abu Dhabi. Those bad boys were at Nordstrom Rack for $69! Whoop! Got a few other ones. Tight pants are not allowed (neither are bare arms or cleavage) so I needed to get some new things to wear.

Saturday night we had a date night. We went to Osteria Langhe and then to a bar. Great to get out and have a real conversation. Then yesterday we went to mass then to lunch in Vernon Hills with the Callejas. Since we leave for Abu Dhabi this Thursday night, it'll be a short week for us and the girls are headed out to Minneapolis with mom to see the Taveras!! Lucky girls.

Sunday: Leftovers for the girls, Will and I scavenged - we were so full from lunch!
Monday: Irish Beef Stew (didn't make it last week.)
Tuesday: Chancho en pepsi cola
Wednesday Beth's Korean Beef
Thursday-Sunday: Out of town!!

What do yall have going on?? xo

Monday, September 15, 2014

Week 37 Menus!!

Hi everyone! After moving and getting settled, I'm finally posting. Been cooking a ton, but didn't feel inspired to post. We've also been sending Amelia to school with lunch everyday which adds a fun new complexity to menu planning. So far so good though! It's fun to plan everything out.

We had a fantastic weekend of ballet and Bubbles class, apple picking, dim sum, and parks. One of the best weekends in a long time.

Below is our menu for the week.

Sunday: Lighter General Tso's Chicken and rice *First time making this and turned out really well! Lot of work so peepeepared.
Monday: Chili mac and cheese  *Made this a few weeks ago and it was a HUGE hit with Will and the girls.
Tuesday: Slow cooker Irish stew and mashed potatoes *An oldie but a goodie
Wednesday: Leftovers
Thursday: Herb roasted chicken with roasted broccoli
Friday: out

What do you have going on?? xo