Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Link Round Up

Holy barf - these pants are unacceptable

Cute flats for people with sweaty feet

It's already 70+ degrees in Austin and I can't wait to break out my summer dresses. These espadrilles are awesome.

Receiving a real telegram would be awesome.

Super cheap and cool map idea.

Great wedding pics. Love the dual-tone BM dresses.


  1. I think Selena (RIP) wore those pants a few decades ago. Not a good idea then. Not a good idea now.

    Love the wedding pics!

  2. i love that you added (RIP) after Selena

    at my public elementary school, every single hispanic kid (i.e. 80% of my grade) wore Selena shirts every day for like a month when she died

    i also vaguely remember lots of candlelight vigils in houston

    jLo was kind of AMAZING in the Selena movie, which is oddly enough one of my mom's favorite flicks

  3. ps more people should do Link Round Ups-- they are fun!
