Sunday, March 6, 2011

Deep Thoughts on a Sunday Night

I tend to have mental fights with people. Arguments in my head that are purely fictitious, but they get me really worked up. Fight- imaginary. My physical reaction to the fight- very real. Goes something like this:

He'll say, 'blah blah blah blah,'
and then I'll say, 'yada yada yada'
and then he'll say ' well, blah blah'
and then I'll say 'well YADA'

And then I'm anxious, and can't sleep.

All in my head. All crazy.

It usually happens on Sunday nights, when I'm getting ready to go back to work and I'm not excited about it. I know it's pointless, and doesn't help me resolve the situation because it NEVER goes down like it does in my head. So I'm wasting my energy and losing my sleep fer nothing.

Mom sent one of these forwards a few years ago and I happened upon it in my emails tonight.

Here's what a wise angel said:

Never borrow from the future. If you worry about what might happen tomorrow and it doesn't happen, you will have worried in vain. If it does happen, you will have worried twice. 

Easier said than done, but just something to think about at the start of the week. xo


  1. I totally understand this feeling and do it all the time. It is that time in between totally awake and asleep where your mind goes places it wouldn't in complete consciousness. Reminds me of a quote I heard when I was studying abroad and always try and remember when I find myself in the mind-dialogue reenacted above:

    “Worrying is like a rocking chair--it gives you something to do but it doesn't get you anywhere.”

  2. Oh I really like that!

    Too bad all these wise words can't just be programmed into our brain so that we are more easily able to assimilate it into our life and habits... maybe one day when we're robots.

  3. I have those same nights when I can't sleep because something is weighing heavily on my mind. But I love those quotes! I sent them to a friend who was stressing out this morning. Yes, i wish it was easier to program into our brains, but they are very encouraging nonetheless. Thanks for sharing!
