Monday, January 24, 2011

This Week's Menu! Week of January 24

Hi everyone! Hope yall had a restful weekend. I hear it's been record breaking cold for those of you not in southern California (where the weather is currently 71* and gorgeous). Hope you stayed toasty!! 

It's Monday. and I'm feeling the case of the Mondays like whoa. Not only has my lack of sleep really started to add up (why, little baby, do you insist on jazzercising at 3am every night!?), but work totally hit the ground running at 6am PT and I didn't have a sec to enjoy my coffee and blogs. BUT. on the total bright side. Beth is visiting this weekend!! She gets in on Thursday when all the fun can begin! Because of that- don't have too much planned for menus since we'll probably be out, but I think that cooking a fancy-shmancy meal one day might be fun too. Because then we can blog about it!

Last week I stayed pretty close to the menu I planned. I didn't make the Dijon Pork Chops- so those are sitting in my freezer waiting to be used. The quiche I made came out awesome because I finally made my own crust! Granted- I used bisquick, but it was a good way to make crust making more approachable. The filling was Canadian bacon, spinach, and mushrooms. I topped it off with some low fat swiss cheese. Delish. I did zero cooking this weekend, but a lot of progress on the baby prep front so I'm completely satisfied. 

Here's my menu for this week! I'm sure it'll leave lots of leftovers too...

Monday: Tilapia with Thai Coconut Curry Sauce- can't wait to try this!
Tuesday: Roasted Chicken with green beans and sweet potato fries
Wednesday: Beef Stroganoff- Eli, you inspired me :). My recipe is from Simply Recipes
Thursday- Sunday: Beth is here! So we'll wing it/cook something fun/eat out

Total side note: the BEST. I mean, THE best homemade/baked fries recipes I've ever tried is here at Lottie+Doof. I usually cut out some of the oil that the recipe calls for- I've found it doesn't need it. So I'm going to do my sweet potato fries in this fashion.

What are your menus for this week?? Please share- I found that so helpful last week!

1 comment:

  1. cannot WAIT to come visit!!

    my mom and Annie (my aunt) have been in town since Thurs and it has been so great!!! i took the day off of work today so i can't do a post but ill be back in action tomorrow!

