Thursday, January 20, 2011


I started dinner at 4:30 yesterday. Lame, but I was bored after my power walk. I may be closer to June Cleaver than I thought! We had Lentil Soup and Caprese Paninis. I sort of winged it for the paninis, but it was loosely based on this recipe from Jane Maynard at This Week for Dinner.

One day I'll be cool enough with the camera to snap my own pictures. But this one is courtesy of This Week for Dinner.

Supa easy recipe:

- Sourdough Bread slices
- Mozzarella
- Tomato slices
- A spot of light mayo (literally a light smear)
- Fresh cracked pepper
- basil chopped up

Assemble sandwich
Heat a skillet with pan (or if you're feeling decadent- with BUTTER! That's what I did. Don't judge.) and cook the sandwich until golden brown on each side.

I guess it's more of a grilled cheese then a panini. What's the diff really? A panini is pressed consistently perhaps? In which case, this is a grilled cheese. I digress. It was a delicious, meat-lite meal.


  1. mmmmm, add this to my dinner plan next week! do you think it would be good with whole wheat bread, or is the sourdough key?

  2. Noo not key at all! I used a Rosemary Sourdough from the bakery that was sort of rustic and delish but whole wheat would work and feel healthier I'm sure!

  3. butter is natural- i don't judge you at all! i just can't believe stephanie still uses I Can't Believe It's Not Butter SPRAY!!! Sick!
