Monday, February 15, 2016

Michelle's Weekly Menu - February 14, 2016

Hello! Hope everyone had a great Valentine's Day/President's Day weekend. Will planned out a really great weekend - probably to make up for the fact that we couldn't go out to dinner with friends on Friday because he and the girls were sick. I came back from Seattle, Will was sick, the girls were sick, and dinner was already canceled. Sad. But thankfully, everyone is on the mend.

Saturday, we went to the art museum and made about 23 Valentine's day cards at the kid's center. Briefly saw the Van Gogh exhibit and then hauled it to Chinatown for dim sum because we were hangry by that point. The girls loved dim sum, were mildly impressed by the Van Gogh exhibit, but the Valentine's day cards were a huge hit.

Sunday after mass Will treated all of us to get our nails done (he got a pedicure and complained afterwards that they stole his calluses). Then we went to Trencherman for a really delicious Vday lunch (Lou remember that place??).

Today, we left the girls with the nanny, Will and I went to breakfast at a diner nearby, went to look at tile for the basement (house construction is still chugging along) and ran a few more errands before lunch at Eataly and then THE FORCE AWAKENS! It was so good. The girls have been watching Star Wars Episode III all weekend. I love it.

This week we have the below lined up! BTW - I like putting my name in the title like Beth did last week. If I'm looking for a recipe, I generally know who posted it, so that's a good way to search.

Monday: On Lou's recommendation, Acini di Pepe soup. Currently on the stove. Can't wait to try it!

Tuesday; Chicken and Mushrooms. Have made this a few times and it's really tasty and easy.

Wednesday: Slow Cooker pork shoulder so the team here as leftovers because....

Thursday-Friday: I'm traveling for work again. Upside is I get to spend the night with the Vanderkolks on Thursday night!!

Travel has really been kicking my butt lately, but only a few more trips left on the horizon. By the second week in March I'll be done for a while.

What do yall have planned for the week??


1 comment:

  1. Update on the Acini di Pepe soup - HUGE success! Girls loved it and so did Will. I used orzo and added roasted red pepper flakes for mine. Will definitely make it again.
