Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Weekly Menus - July 9, 2012

Hey hey hey! And we're back! There's been a lot of travel, a lot of ordering in, and a lot of not going to the gym. That changes now! I'm doing the goals again, and the weeks are Monday-Sunday. So this week the goals are:

Gym: 4 times
Cooking: EVERY NIGHT! (fingers crossed I don't resort to PB&J one night but even that counts!)

Here's the ambitious menu for the week! I've allotted for two leftover days.

Monday: Spring Salad (apple, goat cheese, chicken, cranberry walnut vinaigrette) and Cauliflower soup
Tuesday: White Fish Special with Rice
Wednesday: Coconut basil chicken curry with Rice
Thursday: Shepherd's Pie
Friday: Leftovers
Saturday: Sweet and Fiery Pork Tenderloin
Sunday: Leftovers; Black Bean Soup; quesadillas

I also started a new system. With a composition notebook, I'll be writing down my grocery list on the left and my weekly menu on the right. That way as I'm planning my menu, I'll make sure I have everything and throughout the week, I can jot down what we need or what I'm inspired to cook for next week. We'll see how that goes.

What are yall up to?


  1. hereee we go, back on track. i cannot commit to the gym 4x a week BUT i did sign up for a very fancy pilates studio and i'm trying to go 3x a week. that reformer machine is RIDIC... so difficult! the classes are never super convenient time-wise but it's kinda nice that when i have class, i can just worry about my own dinner and not cooking for 2 or going to the store. here's what's on my menu--

    Sunday: order in pizza (lazyyy)
    Monday: mixed greens w/ basil pesto and tuna
    Tuesday: greek salad early, pilates at 7. ryan's going to have spaghetti with melissa and tyler
    Wednesday: it's Blues on the Green so we don't have much time at the house, so mushroom/poblano tacos it is
    Thursday: i think ryan wants to make steak, potatoes, and beet salad. pilates at 7
    Friday: dinner at Ryan's boss's house (his wife is supa perfect and has a great blog- www.camillestyles.com)
    Saturday: Houston! i think dinner at Benjy's on washington with some peeps
    Sunday: I'll be driving back so I'm delegating dinner to Ryan

    can someone email me the link for the coconut basil chicken curry with rice? i wanna make it soon!

  2. Oh it's sooo good! Louise tried once and didn't love it, but I make it at least once a month and it's one of our faves.


    My changes:
    - The first group of ingredients is just curry powder, so that's what I use! I use it pretty liberally too.

    - I use dried basil leaves instead of fresh.

    - It's tough to predict, but make sure you get some hot jalapenos! Otherwise, the dish isn't really spicy and falls sort of flat. I usually add in 3 jalapenos just in case.

    That's it!

  3. To michi's point, I think we missed the spice part and it fell flat. The flavors were there, it just need a little "UMPH"
