Thursday, July 19, 2012

Weekly review

Heyyoooo ladyfriends. Houston was so awesome. My sister put together the cutest shower (see pics on Instagram) and then the girls put together a great dinner at Benjy's - the table was decorated with candy and pink boas and it was hilarious. Then Stef's boyfriend hooked us up with some free bottles at Roosevelt on Washington sooo everyone was nice and toasted by the end of the night. I haven't had a drunken all girls ngiht out with dancing in a really long time. I needed that.

I joined a new pilates studio recently, JoyMoves. It's supa fancy schmancy so I kind of looove going. I've been going 3x a week, and I'm into it! My next class is tonight at 7. It's nice to belong to a studio that uses only the reformer instead of doing BS pilates on the mat at a class in a gym.

Mich- if you can figure out how to post a video of that fit from Amelia- you should. It's kind of classic and the face that YOU make is priceless.

Here's what's been goin on food wise...

Sunday- Ryan made homemade fried chicken with Thomas Keller's recipe for me, Melissa, Tyler, him. We also had Doritos (classy, I know), mashed potaters with gravy, and corn on the cob. I was so tired/hungover from the weekend, so luckily I wasn't too indulgent.

Monday- Honey habanero fajitas and black beans

Tuesday- Ordered in Thai curries.

Wednesday- Homemade fish sticks! I love those things. With baked waffle fries and sriracha ketchup.

Thursday- Ryan goes outta town at 5pm for a friend's bachelor party, so I plan on just picking up a big salad after pilates.

Friday- out to Swift's Attic with some girls

I'm working from home right now and I'm about to make something new-  basil pesto tuna salad. Here's what's going into it:
- Tuna
- Celery
- Basil pesto
- Sundried tomatoes
- Teensy bit o' mayo
- Teensy bit o' mustard
- Teensy bit o' shredded parmesan

I'll let yall know how it turns out!


  1. 1- post the fajita recipe! sounds bomb. Also, try sriracha mayo with fries. to.die.for.
    2- Amelia's meltdown lasted 45 minutes and I was at my wit's end. She is one stubborn lady.
    3- I want to join a fancy class! Between Lou's Soul Cycle and your JoyMoves, I'm in need of some indulgent me time. I'll do some research....

    I'm so glad Houston was fun!! xo

  2. i wish i had the fajita recipe BUT i can't bc Central Market should really take the credit. they have Orange Honey Habanero chicken breast already marinated that I buy, and I just grill it, then saute a green pepper, poblano pepper, and onions to go with it.

    sriracho aioli sounds so good- the ketchup just makes me feel slightly less guilty haha.

    i cant believe Amelia has enough energy to cry for 45 mins!!!! exhausting.

