Monday, March 26, 2012

Grades + Weekly Menu for 3.26

Happy Monday everyone! Hope yall had a great weekend and enjoying some spring weather. We didn't do much - saw Hunger Games on Friday and finally settled on a lightweight stroller. This is a huge deal, by the way. Deciding on a stroller. It takes up WAY too much brain capacity and it takes WAY too much time and effort. There are just so many options, and you have to decide if you want to recline, if you like the sunshade, if you are ok with the collapsing functionality. Does your brain hurt yet? Anyway, SUPERADO! Sunday we went to a delicious cajun restaurant for brunch and caught up with a friend from Paris and her finance. It's been fun reaching out and going out with new people.

Ok. Enough beating around the bush. I BARELY passed this week. I got a 3/4  - 75% - on exercise and a 5/6 - 83% - on cooking. We looked at a house yesterday at 5, so I couldn't cook the short ribs like I was anticipating. We went out for sushi instead. Poor us. 

I'm going to keep the same goals for this week. Until I'm consistently hitting the goals, I won't revise them.

So without further ado - this week's menu. I have most of this stuff on hand which is great! Love it when my grocery bill is only $40 for the week.

Monday: Short ribs with chipotle pepers
Tuesday: Leftovers
Wednesday: Honey Hoisin Chicken Wings + rice
Thursday: Shepherd's Pie
Friday: Salmon with blue cheese and balsamic reduction
Saturday: Out (as a reward if we don't eat out any other night :)

I was sort of stumped for this week's menu. Need to make a list of old standby's that haven't made an appearance lately. What have yall got going on this week?


  1. hey peeps! UGH i have been insanely lazy about working out. it's just not happening. i could make excuses like how fonzie isnt big enough to jog and i feel bad keeping him in the crate to go work out, but the bottom line is that im just not making time for it when i could be. im literally inching toward 130 lbs and it's not okay. UGH.

    i did manage to find time to help ryan roast a whole pig, as seen on facebook. it was such a hit and like 20 people came over and we made tacos with pickled onions and cilantro and cotija and habanero guacamole, etc. --so good! that being said, i am feeling so hungover. we have SO much meat left but we'll prob freeze a lot of it for use later for enchiladas and tacos. i had a vegan wrap for lunch and was so happy to not have meat. im gonna try to go easy on the meat all week.

    here's what im thinkin for the week:
    Mon- picking up sushi for us
    Tue- grilled whole fish with salad
    Weds- veggie stir fry w/ a tiny bit o' chicken
    Thurs- ryan will cook
    Fri- out

    michelle im so glad youll know exactly what baby-related stuff i should buy when i have a bebe!

  2. Sooo should we rent a stroller or borrow when you guys come up to SF??

    Weekly Menu:
    Mon- Tilapia with salad and rice
    Tues- Italian Chicken with rice and veggies
    Wed- Leftover Steak from dinner last night at Mitch's parents' house
    Thurs- quick Lean Cuisine most likely cause my piano lesson is from 6:45p-7:45p
    Fri- Some sort of pasta (You know those giant shells that you stuff with cheese and other good things? I want to try that.. anyone know a good recipe?)

    Has anyone tried those sweet caramelized onion chicken burgers from Costco? I love them.. I eat them for lunch by themselves with no bun twice a week probably.

  3. I'm ready to roll with my new lightweight stroller!

    Cris- what tilapia and italian chicken? Is it with your fancy nuwave??

  4. The Tilapia is Costco pre-marinated Lemon seasoned Tilapia. Pretty delicious. And we cook that one in the regular oven.

    Italian Chicken is just chicken marinated overnight in Italian dressing. It's one of our go-to's cause it's just so darn easy and tastes delicious. And yes, the chicken is cooked in the NuWave :) in just 20 minutes!

  5. I'm out of town at CHANEL training this week but I promise to post next week. Lots of love and happy cooking!
