Monday, May 21, 2012

Wknd review + weekly menu

Whhaaaaaat a weekend I just had! It was so amazing to get some QT with the Mirshak fam and to nuzzle lil AMELIAAAAAA.... obsessed with her. Chicago was far cooler than I had imagined and I really, really love it there!!! It's like NYC but you can actually drive around and park the car. Seriously- what an awesome city. Michelle, you have a great setup there, and I can't wait to come back when the guest room is ready :)
Anyway, it was a super indulgent weekend. I never really have desserts but when I do, I just crave them more and more after. So I'm scaling back this week on sugar and carbs and such. This week's menu:

Mon: Ratatouille and grilled whole grain bread
Tues: Sushi for a girlfriend's bday
Weds: Grilled whole fish and sauteed rainbow swiss chard, OR spicy orange stir fry w/ brown rice
Thurs: I just can't stop myself... poblano and mushroom tacos
Fri: Out! Tyler moved here and Taylor's in town for another wknd, so we'll all go out somewhere


  1. Pictures, pictures!! So glad ya'll had such a wonderful time. When you get settled in the new house, I say we come for a "Domestic Godesses" Retreat of sorts...try new recipes and new wine!

    I'm trying to get back on track in the kitchen... It's hard with JP traveling so much, I'm never motivated to cook for just 1. Although I did make this last week, and you all NEED to put it on your menus. I promise you'll love it.

    spicy lemon quinoa-- ummm, this is about the best side dish I've ever made. It's simple, but has good flavor and goes great as a side with chicken and/or white fish and a side of green beggies. SO good. I'm kind of obsessed. (Note: I cut back on the olive oil and added a bit more lemon juice...I wouldn't cut it out all together because it gives it some good flavor and texture, but you can def. cut back)

    I'm also wanting to make this:

    I'm sure it won't be as good as the fried chicken at Pies 'N Thighs that we had the other night in Brooklyn, but I know it's much BETTER for MY thighs...

  2. OMG I LOVE PIES N THIGHS!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Ok so I'm with Beth on the need for detox - especially leading up to Memorial Day weekend. However I am off to a bad start:

    Mon: The Bachelor at the Rhinehart's - Mike made ribs. They were awesome.
    Tues: Dill Salmon with couscous
    Wed: Short Ribs and mashed potatoes (I have them and can't let them go to waste before the long weekend!)
    Thurs: Leftovers
    Fri-Mon: Off to Door County, WI with the Taveras!
